Get More Diamonds v1.4

Bugfixes, particularly involving strange occurrences when picking up diamonds and keys on some screens.

Build 4 of the game :-)


Jun 05, 2022
GMD35kv1.4.d64 170 kB
Jun 16, 2022
GMD35kv1.4_MVB0B1B2B3B5.prg 27 kB
Jun 16, 2022

Get Get More Diamonds (VIC20)


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Hello, unfortunately the game does not work on the game console "The Vic 20". The graphics are only dimly recognizable: colors are wrong, picture confusion. I wrote a cjm-file: "X:vic,32k,pal,fullheight". Unfortunately without success.  In Europe, i want to play this game with the pal settings.

Do you have a suitable cjm-fille? Thank you very much!