A downloadable game

We’re excited to present to you the the 2020 Reset64 4kb Craptastic Game Competition - official compilation disk.

What the bloom’n heck does craptastic mean?”, I hear you ask.

It certainly doesn’t mean crap, although it can! Craptastic can mean ludicrous, bonkers, outrageous, funny, wacky, far out, and silly. The theme simply implies that the compo was just for a bit of fun, not a serious coding competition. Competitors were welcome to make an excellent game to submit for the compo, or games that contain some humour or silliness to fit more with the theme, but they didn’t have to!

The competition was limited to 4KB. Yes, any entry submitted could be no more than 4KB when compressed!

We hope you enjoy these wonderful games that were made for the compo. Thanks to all of the competitors and compo prize sponsors.

Compilation Credits:

Menu code + music: Richard Bayliss  

Craptastic logos: Simon Quernhorst  

A BIG thank-you to Richard Bayliss for putting the disk together since the very first Craptastic compo in 2016!

Games List:

Please keep an eye out on each game's page for possible updates and enhancements (out of compo).

ZIP Archive containing all games available now!

Official 2020 'Craptastic' disk compilation by Richard Bayliss available now!


A massive THANK-YOU to our generous compo sponsors and supporters. Please visit and support them!


The New Dimension

Bitmap Books


Fusion Retro Books

K&A Plus





Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorReset64 Magazine
TagsCommodore 64, craptastic, gamedev, indiedev, retrogaming


Craptastic_2020_Compilation_v2_1.d64 170 kB
Craptastic2020 Pack_07152020.zip 3.4 MB

Development log


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very good

very good

What happened to my entry?

(1 edit)


You'll need to email me.

Done. (send to resetc64 at gmail com)

and small gameplay - all games:

(1 edit)

44:57 - Can I help you sir? :)
The 10Liner adaption of ZeHa's Teleporter is a "puzzle" version of the game, which means you can relax and think about the next step before you press the direction.

(1 edit)

Avoid is a great game! However, it starts out too fast.

(1 edit)

Want a cheat for Mini Danmaku 64?
Freeze the game with your favourite Action Replay cartridge.

Enter the following POKE for infinite energy:

POKE 5374,96

and restart the game. 

(Don't try to do this with just a reset, it will corrupt the bullet patterns)

Thanks for organizing this ! lots of good stuff to enjoy here :)

Quite amazing! It's incredible what can be achieved in 4kb!


That's a LOT of entries. Fantastic showing of contributions.


Craptastic was your idea and you pushed me to do it. Thank-you for that! :-)


Just a gentle shove :P
I think it's a great compo. Brings some the best of the the c64 scene. Great stuff.

(1 edit) (+1)

*Wendy's Lady Voice* Where's the zip?

(1 edit) (+2)

ZIP archive of all games will be available straight after the deadline has passed :-)