Chuckie Egg v2.2 update


Chuckie Egg 32K v1.1


  • In some instances, Hen-House Harry got stuck on an elevator platform. This has been fixed.
  • NTSC fixed. The game runs faster and there is some flicker on the top left of the screen. However, the game should be playable. NTSC compatibility has not been tested on real hardware. Please report any bugs here.


ChuckieEgg32Kv11.prg 26 kB
Nov 07, 2021
ChuckieEgg32kv11.d64 170 kB
Nov 07, 2021
ChuckieEgg32Kv11_MVB1B2B3B5.prg 26 kB
Nov 07, 2021

Get Chuckie Egg (VIC20)


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Can't get it to work on my VIC 20 Emulator 3.5 from VICE.